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Greater Seattle Aquarium Society

April 20: General Auction!!!

Posted on Sat, 09 Mar 2024 by Erik

TL;DR: Saturday April 20th, 10AM, Upper Gwinn Commons, Seattle Pacific University.
Park in the Dravus Lot.
Fish, Plants, Tanks, Drygoods, EVERYTHING aquarium-related!
Card or Cash
Masks encouraged, but not required.

It's that time again for GSAS's main fundraiser, the HUGE General Auction!

As with our plant auction last fall, we are pleased as punch with our new venue space: Upper Gwinn Hall at Seattle Pacific University, same campus as our monthly meetings and Holiday Party. Click on Google directions above, or on the map to see details of the area. Please park in the Dravus lot to the Southeast. A very small amount of accessible Parking and load/unload space is available at the North side of the building as well. Outside food is not allowed inside the room...but can be purchased directly downstairs is the SPU cafeteria or Einstein Bros Bagels. Bring a water bottle!

Bidding starts at 10 AM, preview and setup at 9. We go until everything's gone (likely late afternoon). Please read the auction guidelines for more information. If you are a member, please pre-register your items. The board has again approved a bump of the seller split to 70% (historically it's 60%)!

What will you find at this auction? Everything! Tanks, logs, CO2 equipment, boxes of stuff from people's basements, and of course FISH, SHRIMP and PLANTS! We've got new donations donated by our generous amazing poster from Amit! Volunteer to be a runner or recorder for a stretch.

Masks are encouraged but not required. If you have any symptoms of sickness, please be respectful of others and stay home. Similarly, be respectful of others' mask-wearing or distancing choices at our meetings.

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