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Saturday, March 8th, 1:00 PM (noon social)
Home Show Video and Awards Presentation
SPU, Otto Miller Hall Room 109
The Home Show meeting is always a member favorite -- Back in January, a crew of 6 visited seven homes around the Puget Sound area (oddly, none in Seattle itself). Join us March 8th at 1PM, where we will first visit the aquarists via a 49-minute edited video. We'll also show some great photos taken by the show photographer Carl, and the judges will present the top awards. You'll also be able to vote for Audience Favorite. The home show is a family event -- oftentimes we have "spot the ..." games for the otherwise-disinterested fish spouses and kids, dragged to the meeting by the erstwhile competitors, to play during the video!
After the presentation, join us for our Monthly Auction (sellers, pre-register your stuff here).
The Greater Seattle Aquarium Society Spring Schedule is out now! All events are Saturday at 1 PM at usual SPU location, except as noted!
Thanks to all who attended our record-breaking plant and fish auction this month, from the bidders and sellers, to the auctioneers, recorders, check-in table, runners and all the other volunteers. We hope everyone came home with something interesting for their aquariums. And a special thanks to the generous donations from Florida Aquatic Nurseries, and our sponsor stores Aquarium Zen, Aquarium Co-Op and The Arium Store!
A belated thank you to everyone who came out in force to our record-breaking general auction this year, especially to all our volunteers who worked tirelessly the whole day. And a special thanks to the sponsor stores and national companies.
Our big auctions still remain the primary source of income from the club, and their success means we can pay our rent and Internet video storage bills, bring in top quality speakers, and have nice prizes in our contests throughout the year. Thanks again!