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Greater Seattle Aquarium Society

Greater Seattle Aquarium Society

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Posted on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 (updated Wed, 17 Jul) by Carl

GSAS Picnic: Saturday August 3rd, 4PM, Lower Woodland Park

Date: Saturday August 3rd, starting at 4 PM
Location: Lower Woodland Park, Shelter 4 (click for directions)

Please join us for the GSAS Annual Summer Family picnic! This is a great time to meet up with other people in the club, have some food and enjoy a beautiful day talking about fish, aquatic plants, or anything else.

We will be meeting in Lower Woodland Park, Shelter #4. GSAS will supply hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, and all the fixins. Yes, there will be cheese too! Water and various sodas will also be provided. Please bring a dish to share with everyone!

There will also be a plant swap generously managed by Roy, so please bring some aquatic plants with you to share with the group if you'd like to participate. No live animals though, the weather this time of year is usually not kind to them.

Please RSVP either on Airstone or to by Saturday July 27, so I can make sure we have enough food and drink for everyone.

Carl Dinse, GSAS Picnic Chair

Posted on Fri, 05 Jul 2024 by Erik

On Vacation...Picnic August 3rd

GSAS is on its official summer vacation until the 2024-2025 season starts in September. Join us August 3rd at Lower Woodland Park for our annual picnic (details to follow in another post!).

Posted on Sat, 15 Jun 2024 by Erik

Auction 2024: Thank You!

A belated thank you to everyone who came out in force to our record-breaking general auction this year, especially to all our volunteers who worked tirelessly the whole day. And a special thanks to the sponsor stores and national companies.

Our big auctions still remain the primary source of income from the club, and their success means we can pay our rent and Internet video storage bills, bring in top quality speakers, and have nice prizes in our contests throughout the year. Thanks again!