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Greater Seattle Aquarium Society

Talk Archive and Videos

Here is an index of all known recorded meeting presentations available to our members. They are available in three formats: online streaming, DVDs, and high-def Blu-Ray.

Ad Konings speaking on Lake Tanganyika sand dwellers, May 2010 (above). Steev Ward speaks on fish diseases, September 2009 (right)

Most presentations can be streamed directly online.

While most talks are only available to members, a small subset are freely viewable by the public.

DVD and Blu-Ray disks can be checked out from our library at most monthly meetings, and should be playable on most computers or modern DVD players. For ease of location, you can find the Volume Number by clicking on the talk or hovering over the disk icon in this index. From 2020 onwards, we have discontinued creating disks, but older talks will continue to be available.

We are able to make these talks available to our members due to the generousity of the speakers, and also because of the club’s good reputation: you as members have been excellent at respecting the rules. Please don’t copy the disks, and please do not share the streamable video. This will ensure that future talks will be able to join this library.

Is the list below too daunting? You can use the Search box to limit what you see (author, Title, Media, Tags). For instance, you can type "Free" to see all the free videos. Or try "Ad Konings". Or "Catfish".

DateAuthorTitleMediasubject tags
6/8/24Dean Tweeddale Dean's Fry SystemSouth America, Breeding, Hardware
5/11/24Dick Au Trophy DiscusCichlids, Breeding
3/9/24 2024 Home ShowfreeCichlids, Rainbowfish, Catfish, Livebearers, Plants, Killifish, Shrimp, Goldfish, Anabantoids, Breeding, Plant Husbandry, Health, Aquascaping, Home Show, Characins, Hardware
2/13/24Lee Newman Ceynote Fishes of the Yucatan PeninsulaCichlids, Livebearers, Mexico, Collecting, Conservation
1/13/24Jeff Cardwell Return to the TapajosCichlids, Catfish, South America, Collecting
10/10/23Zeb Hogan Chasing GiantsAsia, Conservation
9/13/23Andreas Tanke Plecos of AmazoniaCatfish, South America, Collecting, Breeding
9/12/23Andreas Tanke Caring and Breeding Installations of the WorldCichlids, Rainbowfish, Catfish, Breeding, Hardware
6/13/23Hans-Georg Evers Sulawesi: The Fishes and Shimps of Treasure IslandCichlids, Asia, Collecting, Conservation, History
6/12/23Hans-Georg Evers Some of My Favorite FishRainbowfish, Catfish, Collecting, Conservation, History, Characins
5/9/23Jonathon Butkus Marine Macroalgae AquascapingAquascaping, Workshop, Saltwater, Hardware
5/8/23Jonathon Butkus Oase Show and TellHardware
3/14/23 2023 Home ShowfreeHome Show
2/14/23Alexander Williamson Our Historical, Biological and Cultural Connection with FishHistory
1/10/23Spencer Jack Gymnogeophagus of UruguayCichlids, South America, Collecting
10/11/22Lawrence Kent Benin There, Done That!Cichlids, Catfish, Killifish, Anabantoids, Africa, Collecting, Conservation
9/13/22Gary Lange Papua 2019 - The Most Amazing RainbowfishRainbowfish, Australia/Papua
9/12/22Gary Lange The Blood, Sweat and Tears of 105 DaysRainbowfish, Australia/Papua
6/14/22Rob McLure Breeding Corydoradinae CatfishCatfish, Breeding
6/13/22Rob McLure AspidoradiniCatfish, History, Breeding
5/10/22 2022 Home ShowfreeCichlids, Rainbowfish, Catfish, Livebearers, Plants, Shrimp, Anabantoids, Home Show, Lighting, Hardware
3/8/22Eric Bodrock Breeding Oddball FishCichlids, Rainbowfish, Catfish, Livebearers, Killifish, Breeding
3/7/22Eric Bodrock and Regina Spotti Peru 2018Cichlids, Catfish, South America, Collecting, Characins
2/8/22Marcel Wuethrich Collecting RhadinocentrusRainbowfish, Australia/Papua, Collecting, Breeding
1/11/22Alex Wenchel Photographing the Home AquariumLighting, Hardware
10/12/21Bentley Pascoe Secrets from the HAP ChampPlants, Plant Husbandry
9/13/21Bailin Shaw The Easy CO2 Aquascape: Strategies for a Medium Tech Planted TankPlants, Aquascaping
7/20/21Dr. Anthony Mazeroll Water Quality and Your FishHealth
6/8/21Dr. Ted Coletti Take It Outside: Tub PondsPlants, Breeding, Aquascaping
5/11/21Rich Ross Coral Spawning in AquariaCollecting, Conservation, Breeding, Saltwater
4/13/21 2021 Home ShowfreeCichlids, Rainbowfish, Catfish, Livebearers, Plants, Killifish, Shrimp, Goldfish, Anabantoids, Home Show
2/9/21Michi Tobler The Amazing Diversity of LivebearersfreeLivebearers, US, Mexico, Central America
1/10/21Colin Dunlop The Genus ChannaAnabantoids, Asia, Breeding, Health
11/10/20Randy Carey Breeding the ScatterersBreeding, Characins
10/13/20Mike Drawdy US Tropical Fish Farm Tour and Tales of Collecting TripsCichlids, Rainbowfish, Catfish, US, South America, Australia/Papua, Collecting
9/8/20Dave Wilson Australian Native Plants as Aquarium SubjectsRainbowfish, Plants, Australia/Papua, Collecting
7/14/20 Zoom Meeting - How's Your Quarantine?
6/9/20Karen Randall PaludariumsPlants, Plant Husbandry, Hardware
5/12/20Pam Chin Swimming with Cichlids: ZambiaCichlids, Africa
4/14/20 Home Show 2020freeCichlids, Rainbowfish, Catfish, Livebearers, Plants, Killifish, Shrimp, Goldfish, Anabantoids, Home Show, Hardware
2/11/20Lawrence Kent Holy Grail Friends and Fish: Two West African StoriesCichlids, Catfish, Killifish, Africa, Collecting
10/8/19A.I. Mazeroll Fishes of CambodiaDVDBlu-RayAnabantoids, Asia, Collecting, Conservation, Characins
9/10/19Rick Borstein Sixty Tips in 60 MinutesBlu-RayHardware
9/9/19Rick Borstein The Rationalized FishroomBlu-RayHardware
6/11/19Greg Steeves Haplochromine Cichlids - The CARES PerspectiveDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Africa, Collecting, Conservation, Breeding
6/10/19Greg Steeves Creatures of the Comal RiverDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Catfish, Plants, US, Conservation, Characins
4/9/19 2019 Home ShowDVDBlu-RayfreeCichlids, Rainbowfish, Catfish, Livebearers, Plants, Killifish, Shrimp, Goldfish, Anabantoids, Plant Husbandry, Aquascaping, Home Show, Food
3/12/19Cory McElroy Every Country Speaks FishBlu-RayCichlids, Livebearers, Asia, Collecting, Food
1/8/19Dr. Eric Thomas Corydoras Stress SuicideDVDBlu-RayCatfish, Health
10/9/18Erik Lucas Shrimp KeepingDVDBlu-RayShrimp, Breeding, Health
9/11/18Karen Randall BorneoDVDBlu-RayPlants, Asia, Collecting, Conservation, Plant Husbandry
9/10/18Karen Randall Our Plants: From Nature to AquariumDVDBlu-RayPlants, US, Asia, Collecting, Plant Husbandry, Aquascaping
6/12/18Gary Lange Falling in Love with Blue EyesDVDBlu-RayRainbowfish, Australia/Papua, Collecting, Breeding
6/11/18Gary Lange Cruising PapuaDVDBlu-RayRainbowfish, Plants, Australia/Papua, Collecting, Conservation
5/9/18Ad Konings Speciation in Malawi CichlidsDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Africa, History
3/13/18Lots of Members My Favorite...WhateverDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Rainbowfish, Plants, Breeding, Plant Husbandry, Workshop
2/13/18Lawrence Kent How a Cichlid Guy Got Into LabyrinthsDVDBlu-RayAnabantoids, Asia, Collecting, Conservation, Breeding
1/9/18Dean Tweeddale The Amazon: Fish Collecting Experience in PeruDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Catfish, South America, Collecting, Conservation
10/10/17Scott Fellman Out of the Darkness: Blackwater/Botanical-style AquariumsDVDBlu-RaySouth America, Africa, Asia, Health, Aquascaping
9/12/17Cory McElroy Freshwater PuffersDVDBlu-RayfreeAsia, Health
6/13/17Rachel O'Leary Nano Aquaria - The Ins, Outs and In-BetweensDVDBlu-RayLivebearers, Shrimp, Anabantoids, Characins
6/12/17Rachel O'Leary Freshwater Invertebrate PrimerDVDBlu-RayShrimp, Breeding, Health
5/9/17Bart Laurens Dutch AquascapingDVDBlu-RayPlants, History, Plant Husbandry, Aquascaping, Lighting
4/29/17Ghazanfar Ghori Bucephalandra (AGA)Plants, Asia, Conservation, Plant Husbandry
4/29/17Luca Galarraga Live Aquascaping Demo (AGA)Plants, Aquascaping, Workshop
3/14/17 2017 Home ShowDVDBlu-RayfreeCichlids, Rainbowfish, Catfish, Livebearers, Plants, Shrimp, Anabantoids, Breeding, Plant Husbandry, Aquascaping, Home Show, Characins
2/14/17Tom Barr Aquatic HorticultureDVDBlu-RayPlants, US, Collecting, Plant Husbandry, Aquascaping
1/10/17Lots of Members My Favorite Fish (Micro-Talks)DVDBlu-RayCichlids, Livebearers, Killifish, Anabantoids, Mexico, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia/Papua, Collecting, Breeding, Workshop
10/11/16Mark Duffill LoachesDVDBlu-RayAsia, Conservation, Breeding
10/10/16Mark Duffill Top Ten Loach QuestionsDVDBlu-RayAsia
9/13/16Jay and Carol Geiler Beyond the Can of Flakes IIDVDBlu-RayfreeBreeding, Health, Food, Hardware
6/14/16Dr. Paul Loiselle MadagascarDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Rainbowfish, Africa, Collecting, Conservation, History
6/13/16Dr. Paul Loiselle Good Things in Small PackagesDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Rainbowfish, Catfish, Livebearers, Killifish, Anabantoids, Characins
6/12/16Dr. Paul Loiselle Dynamic Danios, Resplendent RasborasDVDBlu-RayAsia
5/10/16 2016 Home ShowDVDBlu-RayfreeCichlids, Rainbowfish, Catfish, Livebearers, Plants, Shrimp, Anabantoids, Plant Husbandry, Aquascaping, Home Show
3/8/16Barbie Fiorentino Spawning LoriicaridaeDVDBlu-RayCatfish, South America, Conservation, Breeding, Food
2/9/16Albert So Secret Diary of a Fish Addict: Fish RomanceDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Catfish, Anabantoids, Breeding, Food, Characins
1/14/16Gianne Souza The Excellent Adventures of Breeding Show BettasDVDBlu-RayAnabantoids, Breeding
1/12/16Gianne Souza The Wonderful World of BettasDVDBlu-RayAnabantoids, History
10/13/15Cara Wade Fact and Fiction in Aquarium LightingDVDBlu-RayPlants, Plant Husbandry, Lighting
10/12/15Cara Wade Lighting Across the HobbyDVDBlu-RayPlants, Plant Husbandry, Lighting
9/8/15Steev Ward A Microscopic View of Aquarium LifeDVDBlu-RayfreeShrimp, Health, Food
6/9/15Cory McElroy Mini PondsDVDBlu-RayfreeUS, Collecting, Conservation
5/13/15Kris Weinhold Tips and Tricks (Plants)DVDBlu-RayPlants, US, Collecting, Plant Husbandry, Aquascaping, Hardware
5/12/15Kris Weinhold Planted Aquariums - The BasicsDVDBlu-RayPlants, Plant Husbandry, Aquascaping, Lighting
3/10/15 2015 Home ShowDVDBlu-RayAquascaping, Home Show
2/10/15Jennifer O. Reynolds Freshwater StingraysDVDBlu-RayLivebearers, South America, Collecting, Breeding
1/13/15Jay and Carol Geiler Beyond the Can of FlakesDVDBlu-RayfreeFood
10/14/14Klaus Steinhaus The C.A.R.E.S. ProgramDVDBlu-RayConservation, History
10/12/14Klaus Steinhaus Tropheus: Are They Really That Scary?DVDBlu-RayCichlids, Africa, Breeding, Health
9/9/14Juan Miguel Artigas Azas Cichlids of MexicoCichlids, Mexico, Collecting, Breeding
9/7/14Juan Miguel Artigas Azas GoodeidsLivebearers, Mexico, Collecting, Breeding
6/10/14 2014 Home ShowDVDBlu-RayHome Show
5/13/14Rusty Wessel Fishes of the MayaDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Livebearers, Mexico, Central America, Collecting, Conservation
3/11/14Gary Lange Keeping and Breeding RainbowfishDVDBlu-RayRainbowfish, Australia/Papua, Breeding
3/9/14Gary Lange Extraordinary RainbowfishDVDBlu-RayRainbowfish, Australia/Papua, Collecting
2/11/14Kat Hentsch Native Fish of the MidwestDVDBlu-RayfreeUS, Collecting
1/14/14Kat Hentsch The Genus AponogetonDVDBlu-RayPlants, Plant Husbandry
10/8/13Mike Wise Keeping and Breeding Apistogramma for Fun...and Profit?DVDBlu-RayCichlids, South America, Breeding
10/6/13Mike Wise No Apistos!DVDBlu-RayCichlids, South America
10/6/13Mike Wise 21st Century ApistosDVDBlu-RayCichlids, South America
10/5/13Mike Wise Mike and Tom's Excellent AdventureDVDBlu-RayCichlids, South America, Collecting
9/10/13Ian Fuller Corydoradinae CatfishDVDBlu-RayCatfish, South America, Breeding
9/7/13Ian Fuller Identifying Corydoradinae CatfishDVDBlu-RayCatfish
6/11/13 Lighting WorkshopDVDBlu-RayWorkshop, Lighting
5/14/13Greg Sage LivebearersDVDBlu-RayLivebearers, Breeding
5/11/13Greg Sage Selective BreedingDVDBlu-RayBreeding
3/12/13Ted Judy Raising FryDVDBlu-RayBreeding
3/11/13Ted Judy PelvicachromisDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Africa, Breeding
2/12/13 2013 Home ShowDVDBlu-RayfreeHome Show
1/8/13Lawrence Kent Cichlids of East Africa - Beyond the Big LakesDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Africa, Collecting
10/9/12Waylon Pon Freshwater Shrimp for DummiesDVDBlu-RayShrimp, Breeding
9/15/12Christel Kasselmann New and Unusual Aquarium PlantsDVDBlu-RayPlants, Collecting, Plant Husbandry
8/17/12Labbish Chao (Dr.) Experiences in the AmazonDVDBlu-RaySouth America, Conservation
6/12/12Matt Kaufman Keeping and Enjoying KillifishDVDBlu-RayKillifish, Breeding
5/8/12 2012 Home ShowDVDBlu-RayHome Show
5/8/12Alex Lee Raising and Releasing SalmonUS, Conservation, Breeding
3/13/12Dick Au Raising Fish for Fun and ProfitDVDBlu-RayBreeding
3/12/12Dick Au Angelfish BreedingDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Breeding, Health
1/10/12Alan Fertuna Fancy GoldfishDVDBlu-RayGoldfish
11/8/11Chuck Rambo Rare and Unusual Dwarf CichlidsDVDBlu-RayCichlids
11/7/11Chuck Rambo Introduction to Carnivorous PlantsDVDBlu-RayPlants
11/5/11Chuck Rambo Lake Victoria and its CichlidsDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Africa, Collecting, Conservation
10/11/11Oliver Lucanus The Rio Tapajós and the Rio XingúDVDBlu-RaySouth America, Collecting, Conservation, History
9/13/11Karen Randall Fun with Nano TanksDVDBlu-RayPlants, Aquascaping
9/11/11Karen Randall TaiwanDVDBlu-RayPlants, Asia, Collecting
6/14/11 Live Food ExtravaganzaDVDBlu-RayWorkshop, Food
5/10/11Gary Lange Rainbowfish HeavenDVDBlu-RayRainbowfish, Collecting
5/8/11Gary Lange Third Time's a CharmDVDBlu-RayRainbowfish, Collecting
3/8/11 2011 Home ShowDVDBlu-RayHome Show
1/11/11Jen Reynolds Aquatic Conservation in BrazilDVDBlu-RaySouth America, Conservation
11/9/10Barbie Fiorentino Spawning Loricariidae CatfishDVDBlu-RayCatfish, Breeding
10/12/10Dick Au Discus BasicsDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Breeding
9/14/10Tom Barr The Light-Limited Planted AquariumDVDBlu-RayPlants, Plant Husbandry, Lighting
6/8/10Karen Randall Modern AquascapingDVDBlu-RayPlants, Plant Husbandry, Aquascaping
6/6/10Karen Randall ThailandDVDBlu-RayPlants, Collecting
5/11/10Ad Konings Lake Tanganyika Sand SiftersDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Africa, Collecting, Conservation
3/9/10 2010 Home ShowDVDBlu-RayHome Show
1/12/10Jen Reynolds Journey to Lake TanganyikaDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Africa, Collecting
11/10/09Shango Los Freshwater ShrimpDVDBlu-RayShrimp, Breeding
10/13/09Paul Wallace Planted TanksDVDBlu-RayPlants, Plant Husbandry, Lighting
9/8/09Steev Ward Identifying Fish DiseaseDVDBlu-RayHealth
6/9/09 2009 Home Show PresentationDVDBlu-RayHome Show
5/12/09Tom Murdoch Adopt-a-StreamDVDBlu-RayUS, Conservation
3/10/09Lawrence Kent Travels around AfricaDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Africa, Collecting
1/13/09Ghazanfar Ghori CryptocoryneDVDBlu-RayPlants, Asia, Plant Husbandry
10/14/08Phil Lacefield, Jr. Saltwater for DummiesDVDBlu-RaySaltwater
9/9/08Steev Ward Three Common Fish DiseasesDVDBlu-RayHealth
5/13/08Steve Lundblad Travelling to Lake MalawiDVDBlu-RayCichlids, Africa, Collecting
3/11/08Luis Navarro AquascapingDVDBlu-RayPlants, Aquascaping
5/9/06Mike Hellweg AnabantoidsDVDAnabantoids, Asia, Breeding
3/14/06John Lyons Traveling to Mexico and LivebearersDVDLivebearers, Mexico, Collecting, Conservation, Breeding
1/10/06Klaus Kallman Travelling to Mexico and LivebearersDVDLivebearers, Mexico, Collecting, Conservation
9/13/05Tom Watson American Native FishDVDUS
10/12/04Jim Atchison Live Food CultureDVDFood
5/11/04 2004 Home Show VideofreeHome Show
3/9/04Yohan Fernando Wild BettasDVDAnabantoids
5/30/03Ad Konings Lake Malawi Cichlid ResearchDVDCichlids, Africa
5/11/03Ad Konings Tanganyika Safari 2002DVDCichlids, Africa, Collecting, Conservation
6/11/02Karen Randall Sunken GardensDVDPlants, Plant Husbandry, Aquascaping
5/14/02Randy Carey The Art of CharacinsDVDBreeding, Characins
3/12/02Gary Lange RainbowfishDVDRainbowfish, Australia/Papua, Collecting, Breeding
1/8/02Beverly Dixon (Dr.) Fish Stress and HealthDVDHealth
10/30/01Peter Lewis (Dr.) Lake Tanganyika Shell DwellersDVDCichlids, Africa
6/12/01Dorothy Reimer Aquatic Plants My WayDVDfreePlants, Plant Husbandry
3/13/01Dick Au DiscusDVDCichlids, South America, Breeding
10/10/00Eric Hanneman Collecting in MexicoDVDCichlids, Livebearers, Mexico, Collecting
6/13/00Wayne Leibel A History of the Aquarium HobbyDVDfreeHistory, Hardware
5/9/00Lee Newman SatanopercaDVDCichlids, South America, Breeding
3/12/00Dave Sanford Killifish BasicsDVDKillifish, Breeding
1/29/00Kathy and Erik Olson An Eight Day Amazon AdventureCichlids, Catfish, South America, Collecting, Characins
10/13/98Karen Randall Aquatic PlantsDVDPlants, Plant Husbandry
6/9/98Lee Finley Corydorus and Loricarid CatfishDVDCatfish, Breeding
5/12/98Dan Logan Pacific Northwest Native FishDVDUS, Collecting
3/10/98Heather Candelaria Fancy GoldfishDVDGoldfish
10/14/97David Soares Dwarf CichlidsDVDCichlids, Breeding
5/14/96Zadnik, Kurt Dwarf CichlidsDVDCichlids, Breeding
3/14/95 1995 Home ShowCichlids, Plants, Killifish, Goldfish, Aquascaping, Home Show