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Greater Seattle Aquarium Society

Pictures from the Home Show, 2004

On March 28, 2004 we went out to judge the entries in this year's Home Show. Six individuals entered the show. Clay Hess and I were judges, Erik Olson photographerd the entries (on video), and the show was conducted by Jeff Stewart. - Steev Ward

Metynnis, managuense, and Convicts too. Jeff’s 100 gallon tank.This shot doesn’t show the fish very well; you’ll have to see the movie version for that. There’s a great big jaguar cichlid in there- no kidding!

The cabinet is open to show the two Fluval filters underneath which complement the two outside filters.

Jeff’s axolotl.

Jeff drove us around to see the entries. Clay decided to cruise along in the Buick since he had the top down and it was a great day for it. (It was).

Meredith’s house was next on the list. Her tanks include this snazzy little metal frame two gallon, the 5 gallon quarantine tank, and some very nicely raised comets in a 20 gallon.
After feeding the dog everybody helped with the movie production. Best boy, key grip, etc. etc.

The 20 gallon with the goldfish sports a museum quality painted stand designed by Meredith. This type of stand commands a high price at art auctions back east.

Speaking of artistic, I got some interesting effects with reflected light on these tanks.

Once again Erik opted for realism and shade.

Paul’s 55 gallon Paul’s Tanks:

Next we were off to Paul’s house and Erik was getting into the swing of loading and unloading with the aid of Jeff.
Paul’s 55 gallon tank is beautifully planted. It has a trickle filter with a very interesting sump comprising a 10 gallon tank (see below) with fish.

Below: Paul shows the light fixture and canopy.
lights ram oto sump

Paul’s cat Electra
At Bob’s house We said goodbye to the cats and headed next to Bob’s house in West Seattle. Clay said he was taking a shortcut.

But age and experience is no match for a young guy in a small car and Jeff got us there first by a nose. ►►►

Bob’s Tanks:
Altum angelfish Basement tank right bloom county

Bob has several nice tanks; the heavily planted show tanks are really something to see. The upstairs altum angels tank (above) is always stunning, and the two large planted tanks in the basement have unusual and luxurious plant growth.
We also enjoyed seeing the Rainforest style tank or paludarium(?) that he has going (below). Rainforest paludarium.
Trish’s big cichlid tank Trish’s Tanks:
Trish has several interesting tanks. We all enjoyed the tank which had the young Tropheus duboisi and Yellow Labidochromis (below). Tropheus duboisi

The 125 gallon tank has some unusual cichlids which are very respectable in form and color. The cabinet that Trish and her father built for the tank looks elegant in the dining room.     ►►►
Ahli shells and cichlids Judging Goldfish see through tank
▲▲▲ Tropheus duboisi
At Trish’s house we found our best view of Mt. Rainier. From there we headed north again to Simon’s house, passing some hang-gliders on the way.
Simon’s Tanks

Simon’s daughter helped with cookies and advised on the photography. >>

Simon has a nicely planted 55 gallon tank with an in-tank background that he made himself (see below photo).

Simon’s 55 gallon:
After leaving Simon’s we stopped for a nutrition break. After that the trip back to Seattle was pleasant and uneventful except for a car fire on the I 90 bridge.

spongebob’s house Some of the entrants found a little Python helpful in maintaining their tanks. Others favored Spongebob gear.