Tuesday, September 12, 1995
Erik: The ACA was (unusually) being held on the west coast in July 1995, so three of us 20-somethings on the board decided on a whim to fly down there and see what the deal was. I had never attended a fish convention. I thought it was the coolest biggest thing ever, though folks later told me it was one of the sparsest attendance of an ACA at the time. Tanks and tanks of show fish! Multiple big national speakers! Multiple auctions of amazing fish!
I had just bought my first camcorder a week earlier, and took it on the trip with the intention of getting used to it for an upcoming friend's wedding I had been asked to tape. I was stoked enough coming back from the trip that I ended up presenting the video as a "how I spent my summer vacation" trip log at the next GSAS meeting. It was my first "edited" video ever...though I did this using a VCR and judicious use of the pause button. I did the narration and music cues (classical!) on a 4-track cassette deck and live-mixed it with the playback from the VCR on to a second VCR. This took a ton of time, and it looked and sounded awful. Every time I paused longer than a couple minutes the VCR would stop and would leave a notable glitch in the final playback. Finally looked at it in 2025 -- added a little bit of AI audio cleanup here and there.
Subject Tags: Cichlids, South America, Africa, History
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