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Greater Seattle Aquarium Society

2010 Home Show

2010 M03 9, Tue
Fourteen homes. Five judges. Two photo geeks. Two days (January 30-31). One van. Plus commentary on awards night (March 9).

Participants: Paul Wallace, Jeff Amman, Susan Welenofsky, Cory McElroy, Frank Wazeter, Dana Cook and Kerry Atkins, Daniel Cracut, Bryan Nielsen, Christine Ranneger, Kathy Markus and Isaak Olson, Darcy Carr, Roy Slettevold, Crylstal and Joe Miller, Phil and Calye Lacefield.

Subject Tags: Home Show

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This talk is available on DVD from our club library, Volume 11'.

This talk is also available in high-def Blu-Ray from our club library, Volume 2009-2010.

Please remember that this particular video is a benefit to GSAS members only. Please do not to share it with others. Many of our speakers have expressed concern about their images or presentations getting out there on the Internet, and we are doing our best to show them that we can keep our word. It is because of your vigilance that speakers continue to allow us to record them and make these talks available. Thanks.

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